turksanayimarket.com is a website belonging to the KINETIC group, which sells industrial and automation products and also operates in project and contracting services.
turksanayimarket.com was established to provide the opportunity to examine quality products with all their technical values and to offer them to our valued customers in the fastest way and at affordable prices.
turksanayimarket.com uses the most secure online payment infrastructure of Turkey, IYZICO VirtualPOS and Secure Joint Payment system. During the payment phase of your shopping from our site, you will be directed to the 128 bit SSL(*) certified "Secure Joint Payment Page" and you will enter your credit card information on this secure page. Thanks to the SSL certificate, your credit card information will be encrypted and sent directly to the bank. There is no question of your credit card information being stored by turksanayimarket.com or being obtained by third parties.